So here are 5 truths from God’s Word to remember and be encouraged by when you’re struggling to know your purpose, and that will help you live with purpose even when feeling purposeless: 1. You DO have a purpose “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10 You may be feeling like you don’t have a purpose, but the truth is, God created you on purpose and for a purpose. This verse says we are God’s masterpiece. Other versions say we are His workmanship, His handiwork, His work of art. These words speak of creating something beautiful, forming something with intention and care, laboring over something to get it just right, just how it was intended to be, bringing to the life the vision held in the Maker’s heart. The original work of art was soiled with sin; each of us is born with a sinful nature darkening and distorting our hearts, minds, and spirits. But in Christ, we are created anew, the warped art is washed in His blood and restored to its original design, so we can have a personal relationship with our Father God, as He intended from the beginning. God has good things in store for each of us, a good plan for our lives and good works for us to do in obedience to Him, to share His love and goodness with those around us. 2. You have a purpose right now “Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be.” Psalm 139:16 God’s purpose for you isn’t just for someday; He has a purpose for you each day, from the moment you were conceived until the moment you take your last breath. Before your life ever began, God wrote a purposeful story for your life, and each day He invites you step into this story and walk in faith with Him. Even on the days that seem purposeless and pointless, those days that are mundane and ordinary, God wants to work His will in your life. Each day is an opportunity to grow in faith and become more Christ-like in our attitudes and actions. 4. As you follow, God will lead
“Your own ears will hear Him. Right behind you a Voice will say, ‘This is the way you should go,’ whether to the right or to the left.” Isaiah 30:21 “The sheep listen to the Shepherd’s voice. He calls His own sheep by name and leads them out. When He has brought out all His own, He goes on ahead of them, and His sheep follow Him because they know His voice.” John 10:3-4 God promises that as we seek, follow, and obey Him, He will lead and guide us in His purposes for us. We are not on our own, blind in dark, wandering lost. We have a Good Shepherd as our Guide, One who knows the story, the map, the plan, and desires to lead us in His will for us, bringing us to still waters and green pastures, guiding us safely through the dark and dangerous valleys (Psalm 23). We don’t have to be afraid of missing our purpose, for our Shepherd doesn’t lead astray, and He goes after the wayward sheep. That’s why it’s important for us to spend daily time with Jesus in prayer and in His Word, so we can learn to recognize His voice and discern His will for us, following where He leads. 4. God is able, even when you’re not “Now all glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.” Ephesians 3:20 I think a big reason we can feel discouraged in our purpose, is because we feel we’re not able to fulfill any purpose. We don’t feel brave, strong, wise, talented, good, adequate, or qualified enough to be given any purpose. Really, on our own, we’re not able. Sin will always get in the way of doing what God created and called us to do, unless we trust in Jesus and allow Him to make us new. A big part of living out our purpose is living in dependence on God, because we were created to need Him. And God is able. God is able to do more. He is the One who sustains our strengths, and He is the One who works in our weaknesses. 5. Your purpose is not less than someone else’s “Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ.” Colossians 3:23-24 Just because someone is doing “big” and “grand” things for God that are seen by many, while you may find yourself doing “ordinary” and “small” things for God that go unseen by most, does not mean you have less of a purpose than them. Teaching a handful of children God’s Word in Sunday School is not less purposeful than sharing the Gospel with thousands in a stadium. Making a meal for your family is not less purposeful than feeding the homeless. Working a 9 to 5 job is not less purposeful than working as a missionary. Living purposefully is about living obediently; listening to what God is calling you to do, and then doing it, no matter how scary, no matter how mundane.
7/3/2019 08:31:02 am
This post has blessed me so much in a very needy moment. It has made me come back to where everthing started when I was starting to feel lost. Thank you so much for sharing. May God bless you and continue leading you to inpire and help others.
7/3/2019 12:16:39 pm
Hi Maria! Thanks for reading! I'm so glad it encouraged you!
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