Have you ever felt insecure? Maybe feeling like you’re not pretty enough or smart enough or just enough? Maybe feeling like you fall short or miss the mark or don’t meet the standard? Maybe feeling like your life is a bit out of control and uncertain? Maybe feeling like your wandering and drifting in a sea of responsibilities and expectations, with no anchor to hold you fast when the storms hit? Yes? Me too. There’s a lot in life that can cause insecurities; that make us feel unsafe and unsure. Rather than standing firm with confidence, we shrink inside ourselves in an attempt to find some point of stability. A place of refuge from the attacks of feeling less-than and adrift. In the last post, we explored Colossians 3:1-2, and discovered that in Christ, we are free. Today, we’re going to explore the next few verses, and discover truth that we can stand on when those feelings and times of insecurity hit.
You have died. Those few words don’t seem all that promising, do they? Other versions of this verse say, “you died to this life”, “you died to this world”, “your sinful self has died.” When we repent and trust in Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we are no longer living for this temporary, earthly life. We are no longer living for ourselves. We are no longer living in sin, destined for death. To say that this way of living has died speaks of its finality. It is no more. Yes, we still sin and make mistakes and do things that are selfish. But sin no longer has a say about our eternity. Sin no longer defines us. Sin no longer causes spiritual death in us. Your life is now hidden with Christ in God. We are now living for eternity. We are living for Jesus’ glory. We are living for, and in, relationship with Jesus, which starts now, and is eternal. The word “hidden” used in this passage comes from the Greek word krupto, which means “to cover, conceal, keep secret." Our life is covered with Christ. It is concealed with His cleansing blood, kept safe and pure from the punishment, condemnation, and tarnishing of sin. Our life is tucked so deeply into God, that we needn’t ever fear anything being able to snatch it away from Him. That includes mess-ups and mistakes, failings and faults, let-downs and the less-than-perfect. We see the Hebrew equivalent of krupto, cathar, in the Old Testament as “hide.” This word conveys the shelter and safety we find in God.
We are hidden and held by the sovereign Creator of all. The majestic King over all. He protects us and cares for us. He is our refuge, our shelter, our rock, our safe hiding place, our anchor through anything and everything; whether fearful situations, awkward settings, unknown outcomes, or shaky circumstances. Our lives are so hidden with Christ in God, that when Christ appears, when the end of time comes and we come to the end of our time on earth, we have full assurance that we will appear with Christ in glory. With Christ. This is a promise. A promise that Jesus is, and always will be with us. Even into eternity. And when we are living in relationship with Him, we know we are with Him. Even into eternity. Our life is right where He is. Our life is found in Him. When we die to sin, Christ becomes our life. His powerful, victorious, eternal, glorious life is given to us. We are assured we will appear with Him in glory. Romans 3:23 tells us that we “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” On our own, we are fallen. But in Christ, we have died to sin and are given new life. His life. For “all are justified freely by His grace.” (Romans 3:24) And “those He justified He also glorified.” (Romans 8:30) When we are in relationship with Jesus, by His grace we are justified - we no longer stand condemned of sin - and we are glorified; we no longer fall short of God’s glory because Christ’s blood has purified us and His life has been imparted to us. In Christ, you are secure. Your life is secure, for it is hidden with Christ. Your future is secure, for Jesus will always be with you. Your right standing with God is secure, for you have been justified and made glorious. Your eternity is secure, for you will be with Jesus forever. Nothing can take you from Jesus. Nothing can take His love from you. No amount of mistakes and stumbles and faults. No amount of uncertainty and awkwardness and less-than feelings. Jesus is your security. You are safe. You are never alone. You needn’t fear situations or other’s opinions or failing or rejection. You can have confidence in knowing Whose you are. In knowing your life is held in the hands of the Almighty. In knowing you stand before God righteous and glorious. Jesus is our security, but often, we look for security outside of Him. We chase the approval of others and success and material wealth in an attempt feel secure. Maybe if others see a perfect, flawless me, they’ll like me, and I won’t feel awkward or ugly or alone. Maybe if I’m successful and never make mistakes, I won’t feel less-than or worry about being good enough. Maybe if I have more money and more things, I won’t worry about the future so much. After giving us the assurance that our lives are hidden with Christ, that He is our life, and in Him our lives are glorious, Colossians 3 goes on to give us some instructions:
The sinful self has died, and so we are called to put to death the actions, the attitudes, the thoughts and feelings that are sinful; that come from the sinful nature. The things listed in this verse may seem like extremes, yet we are called to have nothing to do with them. Whether impure thoughts, lusting after a certain status or other’s approval, or greed for a life, a body, a boyfriend like so-and-so’s, we are called to not allow them to lurk in even the smallest space in our hearts and minds. They are to be put to death. Ended. No more. When we try to find satisfaction, worth, identity, fulfillment, or comfort outside of Jesus, we are trusting in self rather than God. We are focusing on self rather than God. We see all the flaws and imperfections of self rather than the perfect love and goodness of God. And in all this striving and chasing after the temporary and self-gratifying, rather than living in the realities of heaven, that is where insecurities abound. Being called to put to death the sinful lurking within us tells me that, in Christ, we can. These things don’t have to take up space in our hearts and minds, causing insecurity to abound. Rather, we can live in ways that are in line with God’s character and will. We can pursue Jesus and His good, pleasing, and perfect and perfect will for us, not being held back by insecurities. We can live secure in Christ. Because we are secure in Christ. The post You Are Secure first appeared on The Overflowing
3/27/2018 06:36:20 pm
Beautiful. Just what I needed. Thank you :)
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