From about mid-May to beginning of September, I didn't but any clothes. It was quite a challenge, because I like thrift shopping and enjoy fashion! And it seemed all my favorite stores were having huge sales during that time! But at the beginning of summer, I had made the decision to not buy any clothing and just make due with what I had. There were many reasons for my deciding this, but the biggest was just a sense that I should; that God wanted me to take a break from clothes shopping. When I made this decision, I didn't know God's reason for asking me to do so. And even now, I'm not entirely sure. I wouldn't say I'm obsessed with shopping or fashion, or that it was getting in the way of my relationship with Jesus. But whatever God's reason, He knows best, so I decided to keep away from clothes shopping and let God grow me through it. As I was talking with my sister over the phone one day, I told here about this decision, and her reply was, “I've decided to do that too!” So having 3 ½ months of shopping withdrawals was bearable knowing someone was going through it with me! A passage of Scripture I've heard taught from quite a bit is Matthew 6:25-34. In my NIV Bible, this passage is titled “Do Not Worry”. The two things we are told not to worry about are food and clothes. After not shopping for clothes for the summer, I read this passage and the ones surrounding it, and some new insights were brought to light about worry, needs, desires and God's provision.
It's easy to confuse our wants as needs, especially when we are pressured to dress a certain way, drive a certain car, live a certain lifestyle. I don't worry about what I will wear in the sense of worrying about actually having clothing, but I do spend time thinking, “What will I wear?” I worry about my physical appearance; if I look beautiful. But I see from this passage that I need not worry about this, because I am valued by God. I don't need to dress or look a certain way to have worth.
Treasure means: wealth or riches accumulated, any thing or person highly valued or prized. Clothes are fun, but they will fade. They get worn and torn, we outgrow them (or accidentally shrink them), we slop food down the front of them... And the same goes for all material possessions. I don't want my heart to be in a place where it can be stolen by people I'm trying to impress or destroyed by greed for more possessions. A deeper relationship with Jesus should be the riches we strive for. He should be the one we prize above all.
I love how in these passages, God is referred to as our Father. He is the perfect Father, full of love and care, and He sees each of His children as beautiful. I can go to Him with my concerns, and seek provision for needs and desires. And He will always provide what is best for us. Being a follower of Jesus doesn't mean we only get the bear minimum... no, we are showered with the best gifts!
Our abundant life may not be in the form of designer clothing or the latest technology, but when we seek Jesus first, we find the greatest treasure in knowing Him, rich in love, joy, peace, strength, wisdom, and more. And this is a treasure that will never be destroyed.
Aunt Alison
9/29/2014 09:19:17 am
"I don't want my heart to be in a place where it can be stolen by people I'm trying to impress" This line really made me stop and think. That "storing up treasures" can be other people's opinions and how we spend time and effort to impress, allowing others to steal something that should belong to God. Thanks for this thought-provoking little tid-bit!
10/2/2014 08:37:01 am
That line (and the the passage of Scripture above) is still something I'M thinking about. It is incredible how in my writing and endeavor to encourage others and teach from God's Word, God teaches me at the same time.
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