I’ve recently been reading through the book of Leviticus; the Old Testament law given to the Israelites, God’s people, through Moses. I’m 10 chapters in, and I’ve read about the sin offerings, the guilt offerings, the grain offerings, the fellowship offerings, the burnt offerings. The detailed instructions for the priests and the requirements for the offerings are laid out. Described are the sacrifices to be made to atone for the sins of the community as a whole, and each individual person, whether a knowingly committed wrong or an ignorant mistake. The requirements for these offerings are given in often times gruesome detail… severing and tearing and cutting up, burning and ashes and blood… so much blood.
These descriptions and laws can almost seem appalling to us. So much blood shed. The stench… the sight… yet a necessity. To atone for sin and make right with God, so the people could continue in covenant with Him, that was the purpose of the sacrifices. Offerings made to the Holy God, to reconcile the unholy to Him. What a picture of love. For God’s love would not be so powerfully beautiful or beautifully powerful if He were not also holy. To think that these were all a foreshadowing of Jesus, He who would be the perfect sacrificial Lamb and the Good Shepherd to seek and save the lost. To think it was all pointing to Messiah, He who was anointed to save even the most unholy and sinful and fulfill all promises and laws. That foreshadowing has become the reality. Jesus has died once for all. He has been sacrificed to atone for the sins of all… for you and for me.
Atonement made. The ransom paid. Washed and justified by Jesus’ blood. Reconciled to Holy God and being made holy. Forgiven of sin. No more guilt or shame. What a picture of love. And death could not hold Love in the grave! Jesus rose on the third day, triumphant and victorious! He ascended into heaven, exalted and given the Name is above every name.
Because of His victorious life, we have new life in Him. Not only forgiven of sin, but also freed from sin and death. We have life that is abundant and free. Life that is victorious and glorious. Life that is everlasting with God. He sits at the Father’s right hand and intercedes on our behalf, so our life can be truly lived for Him. What a picture of love. What love the Father has demonstrated, sending His Son for our sin. (Romans 5:8) What love the Father has lavished, giving us identity and belonging in calling us His children. (1 John 3:1) What love the Father has shown, giving us new life through His Son. (1 John 4:9) The post What Love first appeared on The Overflowing
All Scriptures taken from the NIV, copyright 2011
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