The year 2014 was a crazy blessed year for me. And I look forward to all 2015 has in store. As each new year approaches and starts, "New Year’s resolutions" become the subject of conversations, journal entries and facebook statuses. I think setting goals for oneself is a great thing. But as we jump into this new year, let us not forget to reflect upon the past year and take note of what God has done and what we have learned. Seeing how God has grown us can be encouragement and motivation as we strive to reach goals and accomplish dreams. It also reminds us that amidst all the goals and dreams, we are ultimately striving to know Jesus more and be more like Him.
In writing this blog and in being involved at my church, I spend quite a bit of time teaching, but I do not have everything figured out, and I am still growing in my walk with God. So In this post, I just want to share what I've been learning. What I learned in 2014: During the past year, God has taught me a lot about contentment. Even though I have dreams that are unfulfilled, I can still be fulfilled in Jesus and be content in the life He has given me to live here and now. The first posts I wrote for this blog were on the subject of finding contentment. Scripture that impacted me: Philippines 4:4-13 In this passage, the writer Paul shares how he has learned to be content in every situation. And I found that the same things the church then was commanded to do, I could, and should, do also. I have also found that the same promises given to the church in these verses are for me as well. I've written a post detailing what I learned from this passage. Books that helped me: What Am I Supposed to Do With My Life? by Johnnie C. Moore (I wrote a review on this book.) Truth Lies and the Single Woman by Allison K. Flexer (I wrote a review on this book also.) Becoming More Than a Good Bible Study Girl by Lysa Terkeurst What Happens When Women Say Yes to God by Lysa Terkeurst (I actually read this book in 2013, but it was still a great help as I learned about contentment in 2014.) Looking ahead: As I see what God has taught me over the past year, I also see what I should strive for in this new year.
This is the Scripture I want to really put into action in my life in 2015. When lies whispered to the mind are allowed to linger, they grow and skew perspectives and toy with emotions. A mind that is not thinking on the things of Christ will lead to a discontented heart.
As you look ahead into this bright new year, don’t forget to remember. Remember all God has done, all you have learned, all the ways you have grown.
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